Ive been using this app for about a month now and overall it is extremely useful for bell-ringers, quick assessments, and quizzes. The fact that students can get immediate feedback as to whether they answered correctly or not is wonderful. In addition, the teacher gets live feedback that allows them to see who is answering each question correctly/incorrectly. The app is fairly easy to use once you figure it out (a tutorial would be nice for new users) but lacks in a few areas. The following improvements could be made:
1) Reports will not save to Google Drive consistently from the app. (The option has been unavailable for a while now). Emailed reports work well but add unnecessary steps.
2) Availability of subscripts and superscripts need to be added to the text options for student responses (student app) and "correct answers" option (teacher app). These options are available when creating questions but are absent when inputting correct answer choices on both the teacher side and student side. This severely limits science and math teachers.
3) Option to change the "Exit Ticket" questions.
mjchemistry about Socrative Teacher